Past Events
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Reina Brekke: Prayer Practices to Equip Ministry
Dr. Janeen Davis: The Process of Practical Peacemaking
Derek and Kristin Dearth: Practical Ways to Care for Your Missionary While on Home Assignment
Marcus Dip Silas: Past, Present, Future: The brokenness of a holy mission
Dr. Jolene Erlacher: Understanding, Equipping and Mobilizing Gen Z
Mike Gaston: Sabbath Rest
Ali Jackson: How Churches Can Care for Missionary Kids
Debbie Klaver and Laura Lee Finstrom: Mental Health in Missions
Barry Nelson: Reinvigorating and Encouraging Missionaries on the Field
Hannah Rasmussen: Flying Solo
Jodi Revell: Child Safety and Missions: Training, preventing and coming alongside
Sara Simons: An Overlooked Element of Care: Vocational Discernment for Global Workers
Heidi Tunberg: The Essential Support Team: Caring for Missionaries Through Each Stage of Ministry
Geoff Whiteman: Missional Resilience
Amy Young: How to be an Effective Sending Church
Gary and Valerie Maloney: What’s Different About Gen Z, Evangelism and Missions
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