Mission Connexion - Mission Works

Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration – Confirmation & Next Steps

Thank you! We have received your registration information.
Please complete Steps 2 and 3.

Step 2

  • To complete your registration, follow this link to make a payment. Payment must be submitted by February 11.
  • Note: The leadership of MC2 is thankful to Action International Ministries for serving as our fiscal partner for the 2023 conference. All payments for registrations and partnerships will be processed through a visit to a special MC2 page on the Action International Ministries website.

Step 3

  • Sponsor: You will be sent a sponsor code once you pay. Then, please have each individual (5 or 10 people) associated with your sponsorship complete their own “individual” registration form here, using your sponsor code. Last day to register is February 11.

Questions? Contact Mollie at MC2generalinfo@gmail.com